Delete Messages by Subject

In Outlook Express you can delete, or save to a folder, all the messages that contain specific text in the Subject line. Let's assume these are emails you don't want and we’ll delete them.

1) Open Outlook Express and click Tools.

2) Select 'Message Rules' from the drop down menu.

3) Then click Mail and the 'Message Rules' Box opens.

4) Select the 'Mail Rules' tab and click New, which opens the ‘new mail rule’ box.

a) In the 'Select the Condition for your rule' section, select the 'Where Subject line contains specific words' box.

b) Go to 'Rule description' section and enter the word or phrase to look for in the subject line.

c) In the 'Select the Actions for your rule' area, select ‘Delete it’.

d) In the last section of the ‘new mail rule’ box you can select a name for the rule, like 'Delete emails about Jane Doe'.

5) Click OK and you're done.

Don't forget to turn this rule off when you no longer need it by repeating the first three steps. When the message rules box appears uncheck the rule 'Delete emails about Jane Doe'.


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